Hip-To-Gable Loft Conversion




About Hip to Gable Loft Conversion

Hip to Gable loft conversions are popular among detached and semi-detached home owners who have a pitched end to their roof. Building a Hip to Gable conversion involves breaking through the ends of the existing roof converting the current slanted walls into vertical walls.

The change in the roof shape offers a lot more headroom in the loft space and usually means that the staircase can be more spacious and comfortable to use. We recommend these loft conversions if the room will be in constant use (such as a family member’s bedroom or home office) rather than a room that’s only used occasionally (such as a guest bedroom).

What else you want to know

You may be able to build your Hip to Gable conversion as a permitted development – it’s important to check the rules with your local planning authority to see whether there are any restrictions on this loft conversion type.

If you have any questions about building this type of conversion, just get in touch. Our skilled team are happy to answer any of your questions and conduct a free assessment to give you the exact cost of your loft conversion project.

Let’s get together and create your dream home.

Transform your unused attic space into the home of your dreams with our expert loft conversion services. At our company, we believe in working together with our clients to create the perfect living space that meets all their needs.